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Welcome to the Harbor High Library. Our mission is to support students and teachers with the resources needed to be successful. At the Library, students will find a place to research, reflect and rest.

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Library Policies

Library Resources

SCPL Application

Search Library Catalog

Teachers: Schedule Time in Library

Voter Registration

Student Login Info

How to spot FAKE NEWS


The Harbor Library Provides:

  • Library books

  • Libros en español

  • Access to audiobooks and ebooks

  • Textbooks (with your classes)

  • School/office supplies

  • Art supplies

  • Printing

  • Chromebook checkouts and troubleshooting

  • Chromebook charging

  • Earbuds with microphones

  • Hotspots

Shannon Tracy, Teacher Librarian


Grainne Sheinbaum, Textbook Media Clerk


Kaitlyn Harrell, Library Media Assistant

Contact us at if you have any questions, or call the library during open hours: 831-429-3810 x51510.


Contáctenos por correo electrónico a si tiene alguna pregunta, o llame a la biblioteca durante el horario de atención: 831-429-3810 x51510.

Harbor Library Policies


Behavior. All library patrons are expected to behave respectfully and politely towards other patrons, library furnishings, and library employees. Please dispose of all trash and recycling in containers.


Cell Phones. Please do not make or receive phone calls while inside the library. Headphones are required for use of audio on any library or personal devices. See library staff if you need to borrow headphones.


Computer Use. Computers in the library are for the use of Harbor High students, as well as Harbor High faculty and staff. Classes in session with a teacher have priority for use of the computer lab and Chrome cart. All students are expected to follow the guidelines of the Student Technology Acceptable Use Agreement.


Drinks. Covered drinks may be brought into the library.


Food. Consuming food is prohibited in the library. Please speak to library staff regarding exceptions to this rule. School-provided snacks are permitted during supervised Learning Center hours.


Library books. The loan period for most library materials for students is 6 weeks with an option to renew for an additional 15 days. Materials must be brought into the library to renew. Library materials more than 3 weeks overdue may be charged for and billed. Students who have lost or damaged materials are sometimes allowed, by special arrangement, to complete community service hours in the library to cover the costs.


Noise. The Harbor High Library is not a completely quiet place. In general, patrons may converse in normal speaking tones, but are expected to be respectful of students needing a quiet environment to study and any requests by library staff.

Student library accounts. Students can log in to see what library books are currently checked out on their accounts in the Harbor High Library catalog. Login with your Harbor High student ID number; no password is required. Unfortunately, textbook information is not currently available online. Please contact library staff for assistance.


Textbooks. Books for class-use are due when no longer required by the teacher; or the day of the final, whichever comes first. Textbooks that are overdue may be charged for and billed. Students who have lost or damaged textbooks are sometimes allowed, by special arrangement, to complete community service hours in the library to cover the costs.

Harbor Library Resources


Harbor High School Library Pathfinders

Expert guides created for research on particular subject areas from Harbor High curriculum and high-interest topics. Pathfinders include both online resources and materials from our school collection.  


Gale Virtual Reference Library

Digital reference ebooks: Environment, History, Law, Literature, Medicine, Nation and World, and Science.

To log-in the password is "student".


Santa Cruz Public Library Databases

Selected by librarians at SCPL, these resources are recommended based on their quality, accuracy, and usability. Start here for subscription database resources and websites, with magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, websites, databases, links to local resources, and more.

Access requires a Santa Cruz library card and a PIN.

How to access Santa Cruz Public Library subscription databases


Biography in Context

Biography in Context Online portal that is built on a foundation of more than 600,000 biographies on more than 500,000 people gathered from more than 170 reference sources. Content includes print, video, audio, podcasts, interactives, and maps.


Encyclopedia Britannica

EoB Contains full text of encyclopedia articles, including illustrations such as photographs, drawings, maps, and flags. Also includes an atlas, dictionary, thesaurus, selected video clips, and links to over 200,000 related websites reviewed by Britannica editors.


Opposing Viewpoints in Context

Pro/con perspectives on current social issues from authoritative voices.


U.S. History in Context

Comprehensive coverage of the most studied topics in U.S. history courses. This integrated collection covers all areas of U.S. history from from the arrival of Vikings in North America 1,000 years ago to Vietnam, Watergate and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


World History in Context 

Reaches back nearly 5,000 years to chronicle the rise and fall of cultures and societies across all continents and eras. Rare primary sources combine with reliable references to put content into context for every learner. Includes primary source documents, thousands of full-text articles and reference documents.

Science (general)

Directory of Open Access Journals A community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.


Gale Science in Context  A premium research database that provides contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics,  howcasing how scientific disciplines relate to real-world issues ranging from bacteria to obesity and weather.  Access requires a Santa Cruz library card and a PIN.


The National Academies Publications Access to the free full-text of thousands of e-books published by the National Academies Press as well as journals, news articles, and other publications.


National Science Digital Library Open-access online digital library and collaborative network of high quality resources and tools for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. 


Public Library of Science A nonprofit open-access science, technology, and medicine publisher with a library of open-access journals and other scientific literature under an open-content license.


PubMed Citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. Learn more about how to limit your search to articles that have free full text available. 


ProQuest Central Student (CA State funded database) Multidisciplinary resource with millions of articles from more than 10,000 full-text scholarly journals in education, humanities, psychology, science, social sciences, and news. (When not on campus, access via the Clever portal:


Science Direct   Bibliographic database of scientific and medical publications in four main sections: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences and Humanities. Article abstracts and some content are available open access.

​ Provides a search of over 60 databases from 14 federal science agencies and 200 million pages of science information, and is a gateway to 2,200+ scientific websites.

Social Studies

U.S. History and Resources Presented by the Library of Congress, is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information.


Historical African American Newspapers Available Online A guide to African American Newspapers available online from James A. Cannavino Library at Marist College. 


The Oyez Project From Chicago-Kent College of Law, an unofficial online multimedia archive of the Supreme Court of the United States, notably, audio of oral arguments.


The Presidents of the United States Background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents up through President Obama, but no longer updated. Links to biographies, historical documents, audio and video files, and other presidential sites. (From the Internet Public Library)


Presidential Libraries and Museums  has information about the early lives, careers, and post-presidency of the 13 presidents listed below who also have Presidential Libraries. (Produced by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA))


The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum


The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum

The Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum

The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

The Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Museum

The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum

The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum

The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

The George Bush Presidential Library and Museum

The William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum

The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum

The Obama Presidential Library Commonly Requested U.S. Laws and Regulation Learn about some of the best-known U.S. laws and regulations.


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Naturalization Civics Test Prepare for the naturalization interview and test. Use the Interactive Practice Exercises online.


U.S. States Geography Practice- Clickable map quizzes free from Lizard Point Consulting. Test your knowledge of the U.S. States.


Primary sources:


Docs TEACH   3,000 primary-source materials in a variety of media from the National Archives.


Calisphere California History Calisphere Themed Collections that explore California’s role in national and world history (From the University of California) 


Digital Public Library Primary Source Sets Collections of US History primary sources searchable by subject or time period. (From the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA))


World History and Resources


BBC History From Henry VIII to Winston Churchill, find out about Britain's history with BBC programmes, timelines and games.


CIA World Factbook The Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.


Best of History Web Sites -- Categorized links to hundreds of evaluated sites


The History Guide, Resources for Historians- Western Civilizations

History Net -- From Weider History Group


The History News Network  -- Articles by historians on both the left and the right who provide historical perspective on current events. HNN is a nonprofit publication run by George Mason University, is updated daily, and averages roughly 1.5 million hits a month.


Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe -- Covering every 100 years from AD 1 to AD 1700


The Story of Africa -- Rich, detailed site, from the BBC


United Nations The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co-operation.

Image Libraries

Creative Commons Images, videos, TV, music, and media available to the public for free and legal sharing, use, re-purposing, and remixing.


Getty Images, the world's largest photo agency, makes millions of its pictures free to use for embedding an image into a website or blog, NOT for copying or saving images.


Internet Archive Book Images' Photostream Collection of photographs digitally scanned from more than 600 million book pages.


Library of Congress American Memory Project Free access to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music documenting the American experience.​


New York Public Library Digital Collections. Access to over 700000 images digitized from primary sources and printed rarities in the collections of The New York Public Library.


Wikimedia Commons Database of freely usable media files to which anyone can contribute.

Math Resources

CPM Core Connections

Click on the cover of the class textbook: Integrated I, II, III or "Precalculus".


Haga clic en su libro de texto: Integrated I, II, III or "Precalculus".


Scroll down to "Additional Textbook Resources" and click "Students/Parents (English).

Desplacese hasta "Additional Textbook Resources" (recursos adicionales para libros de texto).


Chose: "Homework Help".

Haga clic en "Ayuda con la tarea".


Khan Academy Math

Expert-created content and resources for every course and level. Always free.


Khan Academy en Español

Crecer con nuestra experiencia personalizada en matemáticas; Explorar tutoriales de otros temas; y Aprender con un tutor.


Statistics Practice

Statistics Applets


Wolfram Alpha - Computational search engine. Perform computations in all areas of math.


Math Forum -- Internet Mathematics Library; from Swarthmore College


Mathematics Archives -- From University of Tennessee


HippoCampus -- Algebra -- From the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education


Math Anxiety -- Internet resources


S.O.S. Mathematics -- Tutorials and overviews


Success in Math -- Tips on how to succeed in mathematics


WebMath -- Website that generates answers to specific math questions


List provided by LibGuides at Cabrillo College: Mathematics

College Planning

Counseling & Guidance Department

Harbor High Counselors provide academic, personal/social, and career guidance to ALL students.


College Board provides resources, tools, and services to students, parents, colleges and universities in the areas of college planning, recruitment and admissions, financial aid, and retention.


Khan Academy. Expert-created content and resources for every subject and level. Check out their resources: Test prepCollege, careers and more.


Santa Cruz Public Library practice testing & resourcesFor high school, to college and beyond. The site offers practice tests and courses, information on over 4,000 accredited schools, scholarship search tools, a resume builder, GED test prep, career models, and more.

State Databases

Complete your research with the following excellent resources provided by the California State Library!

Britannica School  Learn more about any subject - for all grades and reading abilities

Login: santacruz

Password: scchsd


Britannica Escolar The leading knowledge building resource for accurate and age-appropriate content in Spanish.

Login: santacruz

Password: scchsd

SIRS Issues Researcher Research sources organized by complex issues for middle and high school. When not on campus, access via the Clever portal:  Detailed instructions here


CultureGrams Concise cultural information on countries around the world. When not on campus, access via the Clever portal: Detailed instructions here


eLibrary General reference source of periodical and digital media content.

 When not on campus, access via the Clever portal:     Detailed instructions here


ProQuest Central Student Millions of articles from more than 10,000 full-text scholarly journals. When not on campus, access via the Clever portal:    Detailed instructions here


Meiosis Tutorial from the Biology Project, University of Arizona.


The Cell Cycle & Mitosis Tutorial from the Biology Project, University of Arizona. 


Nova: How Cells Divide from PBS Online. 


Learn.Genetics from the Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah.  






Chemistry World Research Website of the Royal Society of Chemistry which carries out research, publishes journals, books and databases, as well as hosting conferences, seminars and workshops.


Dynamic Periodic Table  Explore the elements.


eMolecules Search for Chemistry information online in addition to drawing chemical structures for molecules that are searched.

Eric Weisstein's World of Science: Chemistry Written and maintained by the author as a public service for scientific knowledge and education, contains budding encyclopedias of astronomy, scientific biography, chemistry, and physics.


NIST Chemistry WebBook
This site provides thermochemical, thermophysical, and ion energetics data compiled by NIST under the Standard Reference Data Program.

Earth Science

Biodiversity Heritage Library Open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives, managed by a Secretariat headquartered at Smithsonian Libraries and Archives in Washington, DC.


California Coastal Commission Information and data for coastal issues of regional relevance.


California Geotour An index of web pages of geologic field trip guides and related web sites compiled by the California Geological Survey (CGS).


Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System (CenCOOS) Providing data, information and expertise to sustain ocean health.


Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary A wealth of local information on aquatic and marine topics.


Oceanography, Earth, and Marine Sciences  Online guides, links, and resources below to discover the print and digital collections and resources in oceanography, earth and marine sciences, intended for the support of research at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.


This Dynamic Earth: the story of plate tectonics Online edition contains all text from the original book in its entirety.


U.S. Geological Survey, California Water Science Center (CAWSC) Reliable, impartial, foundational data and scientific analysis to address water issues facing California today.

Recursos en Español


Use Google Advanced Search to find articles in Spanish.


Usa Google Búsqueda Avanzada para buscar artículos en español.


Use Advanced Search










Select Language: Spanish



Start research and develop search terms at Wikipedia en español.


Comenzar una investigación y desarrollar los términos de búsqueda a Wikipedia en español.



Bonus: Built in citation tool!

“Citar esta página”

Use to find articles in Spanish.


Usa para buscar artículos en español.


  1. Browse content

  2. News

  3. Narrow your choices: Languages


Recommended websites with news articles in Spanish.


Sitios web recomendados con noticias en español.


Tip: use Google rather than the websites search tool for better results by adding the URL to the search field:





Consejo: en lugar de usar la herramienta de búsqueda de sitios web, utilice Google y agregue la URL del sitio al campo de búsqueda para obtener mejores resultados:

google adv search menu.png
google search news sites.png
google adv search menu.png
google search news sites.png


Eric Weisstein's World of Science: Physics Written and maintained by the author as a public service for scientific knowledge and education, contains budding encyclopedias of astronomy, scientific biography, chemistry, and physics.


The Universe and More  Interactive Physics resources


Health & Wellness Medical Research, Consumer Health, and Health Topics recommended by Santa Cruz Public Library. 


Infotopia An academic search engine designed for "students, teachers, and especially homeschoolers." Uses a Google custom search to provide access to previously vetted websites selected by librarians, teachers, and educational professionals.


Phet Interactive Simulations Fun, free, interactive, research-based science and mathematics simulations from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Free Wifi in Town

Library Aides


Activities to learn library shelving

A Lesson on Alphabetizing by Vocabulary SpellingCity

Mrs. Lodge's Library Shelver

Online Alphabetization Lessons

Sample Questions for the Test of Clerical Skills

Library Aide Shelving Test


Coding A one-hour tutorial designed for all ages in over 45 languages.

Hora del Código Prueba un tutorial de una hora, diseñado para todas las edades, en más de 45 idiomas.

Hour of Code The Khan Academy’s one-hour introduction to computer science and computer programming.



Mousercise! Practice your mousing skills with Mousercise.



Learn Touch Typing Free- Typing Club Master touch typing using this free game /training program.


Typing Agent A web-based typing software. Student ID number required for access.

Newspapers Online


Santa Cruz Sentinel - E Edition for Schools -  Teachers with an in-class environment can register here for classroom access:


Al Jazeera English Latest new updates from US, Europe, Middle East, Asia- Pacific and Africa. 


BBC News Up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news.


El Mundo  Diario online líder de información en español.


Los Angeles Times (Access limited to 15 free articles per month) The L.A. Times is a leading source of breaking news, entertainment, sports, politics, and more for Southern California and the world.


New York Times (Unlimited access while on campus to advertising free articles for public high schools. Remote access requires email verification-contact to enroll.) Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinion on Washington, business, sports, movies, travel, books, jobs, education, real estate, and more.


NYT en Español Proyecto beta que busca la mejor manera de ofrecer la cobertura global de The New York Times en español.


San Francisco Chronicle Exclusive Bay Area and San Francisco breaking news, sports, tech, and food and wine coverage, plus enhanced coverage of Giants, 49ers and Warriors.


Today's Front Pages  Newseum: The front pages of more than 800 newspapers worldwide in their original, unedited form.


Washington Post Breaking news and analysis on politics, business, world national news, entertainment more.

Social Studies

Student Login Instructions

How to access your SCCS student account

First letter of your name, last name, last 2 digits of your student ID

Example: Juan Hernandez, ID: 12345 ‘s email would be


The password for your account is “stu” followed by your 5 digit student ID number Example: stu12345

Como acessar tu cuenta de SCCS
Primera letra de tu nombre, apellido, los dos últimos números de tu ID,

Ejemplo: Juan Hernandez, ID: 12345 sería

La contraseña para tu cuenta es: “stu” seguido por los 5 números de tu ID Ejemplo: stu12345

Consolidate Gmail and Zoom accounts
Students need to consolidate Zoom and their student Gmail accounts one-time only. If you are having any problems accessing or participating in Zoom meetings, try these steps.
How to consolidate student Gmail and Zoom accounts

How to spot Fake News

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300 La Fonda Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95062

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