Student Info
Student Login instructions
How to access your SCCS student account
First letter of your name, last name, last 2 digits of your student ID
Example: Juan Hernandez, ID: 12345 ‘s email would be
The password for your account is “stu” followed by your 5 digit student ID number Example: stu12345
Como acessar tu cuenta de SCCS
Primera letra de tu nombre, apellido, los dos últimos números de tu ID,
Ejemplo: Juan Hernandez, ID: 12345 sería
La contraseña para tu cuenta es: “stu” seguido por los 5 números de tu ID Ejemplo: stu12345
Consolidate Gmail and Zoom accounts
Students need to consolidate Zoom and their student Gmail accounts one-time only. If you are having any problems accessing or participating in Zoom meetings, try these steps.
How to consolidate student Gmail and Zoom accounts
How to access Learning Ally
Learning Ally allows you to listen to audio books by logging in via Clever
Log into your student email
Find and select Clever located in the dropdown menu under the SCCS
Bookmarks folder on the bookmark bar
Sigh into Clever through your student Gmail account
Select the icon for Learning Ally, or use the search bar if the icon is not there
Get a Santa Cruz Public Library Card!
Fill out this form
WiFi Information
Santa Cruz Public Library(SCPL)
Laptops, Tablets, Chromebooks, WiFi Hotspots
Library Services: Lendable Technology
The Santa Cruz Public Libraries offers a variety of lendable technology devices.
Chromebooks, Tablets, WiFi Hotspots
Chromebook + Hotspot bundles, Amazon Fire 7 Tablets, and WiFi Hotspots can be checked out by most borrowers with a library account in good standing and are loaned out for 3 weeks at a time.
Laptops are available at select branches and can only be used inside the Library. Laptops are loaned on a first-come, first-served basis. They are designed for use inside the library and can perform wireless printing. A mouse, a charger, and a DVD/ROM drive may also be available for checkout.

Watsonville Public Library (WPL)
WiFi Hotspots, WiFi & Printing
WiFi Hotspots
Get online anywhere, anytime with WPL's Mobile Wifi Hotspot!
You need to be 18 years old and have a library card in good standing.
The Mobile Hotspot can be checked out for 3 weeks.
The Hotspot must be returned in person to the Service Desk of the Main Library. Please do not return the Hotspot in the book drop!
WiFi & Wireless Printing
are available at both the Main Library and the Freedom Branch.
You can print from your device directly to the printer at the library!

College Planning Resources
Counseling and Guidance Department
Harbor High Counselors provide academic, personal/social, and career guidance to ALL students.
College Board provides resources, tools, and services to students, parents, colleges and universities in the areas of college planning, recruitment and admissions, financial aid, and retention.
Expert-created content and resources for every subject and level. Check out their resources:​